- Jan 14 Mon 2013 23:27
[胡愛晏] 光之工作者訊息【從黑暗到光明:轉變就在這裡】
- Jan 14 Mon 2013 13:14
[胡愛晏] 渴望與意志 當你看到每日的新聞時,深深地凝視內在,請求洞見去辨別服務自我和服務他人的模式,這樣你就可以超越細節看入那些宏偉的樣式,它們活躍地和全球能量網絡一起流動。
Copyright c 2009 L/L Research
- Jan 14 Mon 2013 13:13
[胡愛晏] “原來我們就是自己的救星”
We enter 2013 massively transformed beyond any previous boundaries. Many people experienced an infusion of LOVE on a scale never before experienced. Some experienced a profound paradigm shift from the duality-based illusion that "someone" or "something" would come to "save us" to the wide-eyed awakening that WE ARE THE ONES! This journey from "external expectations" to "internal knowing" took but a nano second, but flipped everything over.