(重要)昴宿星系议会指导(上): 关于2013
Pleiadian Star Council Message for 2013
~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - January 18th, 2013
Posted by Karma's Helper on January 18, 2013 at 7:04pm
Channeler: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
时间: 20130118
中文翻译: 林琚月20130120

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2013 is welcomed with open arms by all Universes, many dimensions breathing a deep sign of eternal relief...2013 does not live in the earth plane but has announced its arrival on an island outside of time in another dimensional flux different from earthen time/space...The universe can no longer wait for all to awaken from the sleeping kingdom of
earth...Humanity is at a place of coming undone in order to be rewound, not in a tighter ball of wool, but in crocheted free form as snowflakes...Knowing this fountainhead is there and drinking from it is two different things...(the) Bubbles of illusions are popped
所有宇宙们都张开了手臂来欢迎2013. 许多维度都为此而呼出了一口放松的长气… 因为2013并不是活在地球层的一个时间 --- 而是被宣布在与地球的 '时间\空间' 不同的另一个维度流的小岛上…这个宇宙已经无法再等待全部的人从这个睡着的地球中醒来… 人类目前是在一个必须拆卸下来才能重新联机的状况. --- 不能继续在一个打了许多结的毛线球的状况 --- 而必须改变成为重新整理好的(毛线球)状况 --- 自由一如雪花一般…而知道这个喷泉的头是在的 --- 与知道去喝 --- 是不一样的两件事 … 幻象的泡沫已经不断爆破了.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Friday, 18 January, 2013
We have always existed as light. We can be nothing but light. We herald from beyond the suns, we are the light behind the light. We are your reflection and your beginning. We live within a portal of light in the Pleiadian Star System where light can bend and timeless knowledge pulses to all who enter. We are a stargate, a vortex that houses codes of light that have been held secret and now seek to be seen and completed. We are a reflection of solid light that guides one into the secret places of shining knowledge. We are a 7th dimensional lens of light that allows a deep connection between the Pleiades' and Earth.
我们一直都像光一样的存在着. 除了是光之外, 我们什么也不是. 我们从几个太阳的后面来传达消息 --- 我们是来自光后面的光. 我们是你们的倒影也是你们的开始. 我们生活在昴宿星系的一个光之星门中 --- 在那里 '光' 可以弯曲 --- 而 '永恒的知识'会脉动入任何进来的人中. 我们是一个 '星门'---是一团漩涡 --- 在这里储存了 "光之密码".--- 这些在过去被当成秘密而保护起来的东西 ---现在想要被看到并且被完成. ---我们是一团厚实光芒的反射 --- 而这光芒可以引导大家进入许多闪亮知识的秘密领域. --- 我们是一个 '第七维度'的 '光之镜片' – 我们可以让地球与昴宿星系密切的连接起来.

2013 is welcomed with open arms by all Universes, many dimensions breathing a deep sign of eternal relief. Earth applauds its self for making it through the dimensional flux and transmutation of 2012. Last year powerful plays of energy announced themselves in solar emanations that touched every cell of every thing on planet earth. Time came undone and retied itself into a framework that still cannot be fully seen or understood.
所有宇宙们都张开了手臂来欢迎2013. 许多维度都为此而呼出了一口放松的长气. 地球也为自己鼓掌 --- 为了自己顺利通过 "维度流"以及2012的 "变形\变异". 去年, 许多强大的能量活动从太阳系放射出去, 它们的影响触及了行星地球上的每样东西每个细胞. "时间"被修改了! ---而且连到了一个目前还看不到或能被理解的系统架构上.

As the personage of time walks door-to-door, country-to-country, showing its fullness of being, completion of contracts made long ago are written in the sands of time, waiting for the next dust storm to settle the uncertainty. 2013 does not live in the earth plane but has announced its arrival on an island outside of time in another dimensional flux different from earthen time/space. Like the Star-being Arcturus, it does not stand still in the stellar flow of space. Movement will be seen in all its glory as 2013 announces what it wants from humanity in upcoming energy shifts and sacred portals of opportunity.
随着伟大的 "时间先生"登门入户, 从国家到国家, 展现它完全的自我 --- 完成许多写在时间的沙床上的合约 --- 等待着下一阵沙尘暴来决定所有未决之事. 2013并不是活在地球层的一个时间 --- 而是被宣布在与地球的 '时间\空间' 不同的另一个维度流的小岛上. --- 就像 "星体人"--- "大角星人" --- '它'(2013地球)并不是站立在一个不动而固定的星系空间流之上. ---许多事件将会以其最光辉的样子被看见 --- 随着2013年宣布出它对人类的要求 --- 在不断扬升的能量流之中, 以及未来所有神圣的星门将会提供出来的机会.

当你走入 "相间维度物理学"之后, 而且这里面包含了你所谓的 "精神能量", --- 你会发现很多预期之外的事情---"觉知"(的力量) … --- 那是种 "有态度的物理学". ---在你们的银河中央是有 "觉知"的!
The universe can no longer wait for all to awaken from the sleeping kingdom of earth, but infuses the vibratory leylines with what will awaken those that refuse to listen to encoded promptings. You have come fully packed on an earthen journey of oneness. You have come with all that you need in truth, in matter and in all longings. The melodramas of earth are yours to own or dismiss accordingly. Dwelling in the back streets of emotion is not where you want to dwell in 2013. 2013 year is about trusting the cycles of time and the universe in a way that surpasses all earthly notions of what can and cannot be. It is about the untapped wellspring of divine potential birthed in a way that mankind can use and understand its power. Knowing this fountainhead is there and drinking from it is two different things.
这个宇宙已经无法再等待全部的人从这个睡着的地球中醒来 --- 所以注射了振动的 "草地线"频率去觉醒那些拒绝聆听 "蕴涵讯息"的提示的人. --- 你来地球的旅程是准备好了来自 '合一' 的充分配备的. 你在 '真理' 里的需要, 在 '物理\物质' 上的需要, 以及你 '渴望'的东西 --- 你都随身带来了. --- 而地球上的这出闹剧 --- 你可以自己决定要或不要. ---2013年不是一个你要匍匐在情绪的后街里的一年. ---2013年是必须要超越 '地球认知'去信任宇宙信任 '时间循环的结束' 的一年 --- 而不是用地球认知去决定什么是可能的或什么是不可能的一年. ---2013年是人类要认识到 那未动用过的'宇宙神圣能量的泉源'的存在 --- 是人类可以使用的! ---并了解这能量所能做的事! –而知道这个喷泉的水龙头的存在--- 与知道去喝 ---
(RL注:2013主题教学 --- 认识并使用 "宇宙神圣能量"!)
(RL注:2012主题教学 --- 你自己就是 '耶稣基督再来'!)

The dark will seem darker and the light will seem brighter but all is an illusion. Focus on what your heart seeks and walk by the wolves with your sheepish grin of knowing. You walk where the angels fear to tread and yet you will walk with love in your heart. For you know deep within, that something very powerful happened in 2012, maybe never to be known fully, yet innately you feel truly grateful for being alive in 2013.
在2013年黑暗面会更行黑暗, 而光明面却也会日益光明 --- 但这都是幻象. (RL注: 因为 '二元对立' 要结束了.) ----专注在你的 "本心的要求"之上, 用你温驯的笑容走过野狼的身旁 --- 并在内心知晓明了一切. --- 你走的道路连天使都怕进入, 但是你还是会带着你心中的爱来走这段路. --- 因为在你很深的内心深处 --- 你知道在2012年一些很强有力的事发生了. --- 也许人们永远无法充分理解所发生的事 --- 但是直觉的 --- 你感觉到非常的感恩 --- 对于能在2013年而活着.

A new entrance is created in the old pathways as the higher vibratory light goes hand in hand with the fresh neuron functions that allow the dimensions to meld and become Seeable. All situations that have come undone are holograms of misrepresentation projected by what needs to acknowledged and released.
在地球的老路上 --- 一个新的入口被创造了出来 --- 随着更高频率的光与新鲜的从未有过的,"大脑神经原"被启动了新的功能 --- 这两件事, 手携手的允许了维度空间的融合 --- 而且变成了看得到现实. 所有被拆解下来的状况 --- 都是被错误制造出来的"全息影像" --- 这些投射(现实)是需要被指认出来并解除的.

Problems come to move you through sections of time into a cleared aspect of your own truth. The energies of 2013 allow one the opportunity to align with all that was before creation, in the form of pure undiluted universal possibility. The alpha and the omega and every particle in-between invite you as a planet, to partake of their universal truths. You are finally able to enter the free flowing experience of all possibility; like newly fallen snow with no footprints on it, you will walk upon a clean time slate.
"问题的产生"是来将你移入时间的分部中 --- 进入一个 '属于你的真理' 的清楚认识. 2013的能量给了人们机会去对准 "创造之源" 原来的能量 --- 用一种纯粹的, 没有被冲淡的 "宇宙原" 之潜力. 阿尔法和Ω 以及每个波频每个小部份以及中间的部份频率 ---都邀请你们做为一个星球 --- 来参与它们的 "宇宙真相"! 你们终于可以进入所有潜能的自由体验之中 --- 就像新掉下来的雪花 --- 身上是没有脚印的. --- 你将走入一块全新的 "时间板块"之上.

Emanations from the stars reach down to work their healing magic upon earth. The light from the stars shines down onto all choices as solar gateways open via earthen conduits allowing earth to be lifted to a place of instinctive knowing. Everything you do or do not do will be felt in all sectors of heaven and earth. Everything in the universe opens its cupboards to show what has been hidden on its dusty shelves. It is a personal choice as to how to wear this energy and wisdom. It has been laid at your anointed feet with a great love by those that have taken all of your prayers and evolutionary possibilities to heart and now are the answer to many a prayer.
星星们所发射的能量直达到地球 --- 并运作出疗愈的魔幻能量在地球之上. 星星们的光辉照耀着所有的选择 --- 随着太阳系星门的打开 --- 而透过地球 '传导器' --- 使得地球可以被提升到一个 --- 可以 "直觉知道"的境界. (RL注:学生最希望的事 --- 书不用读用打针或照X光就进去了. 最好!) 你有做或没做的事 --- 地球与天堂的全部份都直接感应到了. 宇宙里的每一件事 --- 现在就像被打开的陈年厨柜一样 --- 每一层的灰尘里藏了什么东西现在都要打开来给人看了. --- 而如何去使用这个新能量与智能是一个非常个人化的决定. --- 这些东西(新能量与智慧)现在被摆在你那受到福佑的双脚前, --- 是那些日日听取你的祈祷的 '祂们', 带着巨大的爱, 与深深对你 '进化可能性' 的发展的关心 --- 现在,


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