靈魂如何提升自己的 '覺知' 超越有限制的實相?
Lord Michael Speaks of the Opening of the Veils of Creation & the Evolution of the Consciousness of the Soul of the Realms ~ via Judith K. Moore ~ December 30, 2012
通靈管道: As channeled by Judith K. Moore
中文翻譯: 林琚月
Archangel Michael Speaks of the Union with Universal Oneness and the Re-Connection to the Heavenly Realms and all Dimensions as the Veil Thins
tr. Sean, ed. Sandra, M.*
大天使麥克解說 "與源頭的合一"與 如何在矩陣面紗變薄之時, 重新與 "天堂維度空間" 以及 所有維度空間聯通?
通靈人: tr. Sean, ed. Sandra, M.*
JKM 12-30-12 Lord Michael Speaks of the Opening of the Veils of Creation and the Evolution of the Consciousness of the Soul of the Realms, Part A & B
Judith in Denver 7:00 am
20121230大天使麥克解說 "造物的秘密的面紗之打開" 以及 "所有實相中的靈魂的覺知的進化"(A&B部份)
通靈人: Judith, 地點: in Denver 時間: 7:00 am
I awakened with a considerable amount of intense brain energies. I open now to the Source of Infinite Wisdom and Universal Oneness and the Masters of the Universe.
我早上醒過來時腦中充滿了強烈的能量. 我現在把自己對 "宇宙合一"源頭與宇宙大師們無限的智慧敞開.
The energetic web of the connection in the dimensions is established. Once there were barriers, impenetrable fields, that separated the realms and dimensions, creating closed systems. These closed systems were unable to access the forces of Creation and frequently drew upon the original energies, building them into systems. Upon the collapse of those systems, the energy would be used again. And each time, because it was a closed system, the distortions in the holographic field became stronger.
聯接所有維度的 "能量網" 已經建立完成!
過去一直以來確實是有障礙存在, 造成了無法穿越的 "場域", 而把 "維度空間" 與 "實相區" 分開, 因而創造出了許多 "鐵幕(關上的)系統". 這些 ""鐵幕(關上的)系統區塊"無法接觸使用應用造物的能量, 所以經常在舊有的能量上吸取(搶奪) --- 並因為這個因素而建立了一整套 "(能源)搶奪系統". (註: 此能源講的不只是石油, 更重要的是 "靈魂能量"!!!) 而當這些 "搶奪"系統崩潰之後, 這些能量才能再度被(人們)使用. 而每一次, 因為這是一個"鐵幕(關上的)系統, 所以在 "全息顯化" 之時, 被扭曲\曲解的比率也就很高!!!
Only when a devotee disciplined themselves to focus on the Infinite Light within, was it then possible for an opening into those closed systems that would bring in the manna and the new life force energy to rejuvenate, create new the frequencies fields that comprises the dynamics of the Living Hologram of each realm and dimension.
只有當一個 "虔誠的修行者"訓練自己去專注在 "本心的光"上面時, 才有可能打開這個"鐵幕(關上的)系統", 才能將 "天賜的" "新的生命能量"拿來 "回春\重新復活" "舊能量" --- 並創造出 新的頻率場 --- 而這新的能量場是具有 "每個實相" "每個維度" 的 "生命創造力" 來作出 "活的全息影像" 的.
At times, the powerful force of Creator/Creation, the Infinite Oneness, would permeate those dimensions. The realms would open, and for a time the veil would thin, and there, the great Epiphany of Light would come upon the Earth or into whichever dimension the God source reached into. And truly, at these times, there would be a touching of the soul of consciousness, awakening the ideals of the Way, and truly initiating the frequencies. (Sean calls in)
有時候, 來自造物主, 那無限的 "一", 的強力能量會穿透這些維度. 而這些 "實相"們會打開, 而在一段時間內 "面紗"會變薄, 然後, 主顯的聖光就會到達地球, 而進入任何 上帝 想要去的維度. 而真實的, 在這些時候, 將會有一些靈魂被聖光接觸到而覺醒, 覺醒到聖光的理想路線上去, 而真實的啟動了自己的頻率(的揚升). (Sean把它稱為 "進入" 或 "入道")
Part B:
At times, when the God force reached into the dimensions, the veil would thin. And the soul's of consciousness, that comprised the realms and dimensions and whatever Creator had created and Creation had manifested as in that realm, would then receive the Epiphany of Light. The energies of Creation would rejuvenate the Living Hologram, allowing existence to continue and consciousness to expand, because it was a vital connection between the consciousness of the realms and the dimensions, and what it manifested in Creation as the soul. And whatever realm it was in, the soul exists. And whatever realm or dimension Creation forms itself, it is formed of the essence of the soul.
在這些時候, 當上帝的力量抵達這些維度時, "(維度間)面紗"變薄了. 所有靈魂的覺知 --- 造成了眼前現實的 '實相' 與 '維度' 的 "覺知", 以及 "造物主"自己在這維度內所創造的部份實相 --- 都被 "聖光" 接觸到了. "造物主的聖光"會恢復整個 "全息存在生命" 的活力! ───會給予所有存在更多生命力, 並擴大所有 "覺知" --- 因為 "靈魂" 就是 "聖光"的一種 "創造物"之一 --- 所以 "聖光" 是連接所有 "維度"與 "實相" 的 "覺知" 的 "最重要關鍵"!!! 所以不論在任何維度 --- 只要有 "聖光" 在, 靈魂就得以存在. --- 不論在那個 "維度" 或 "實相" 裡它自己創造出了什麼東西在裡面 --- 它都是用 "靈魂的本質" 去創造出來的!!! (註: "聖光" 就是靈魂本質.)
At those times, the power of balance and unity would be known in that dimension. And in some of the dimensions who had the capacity, because they were higher frequency dimensions, to utilize this energy, and the veil being thinner, they evolved consciousness of wisdom and peace. But in the Earth realm, the veil being so thick, the souls were depleted of that light, and reincarnational patterns began to develop on the Earth were souls had no opportunity to go beyond the existence they had known in the 3rd dimension that was filled with inconsistency and fragmented light, fragmented energy. Thus the souls were incapacitated, unable to access the Light of Creation for their evolution.
在那些時候, (註: 聖光照進的時候), 那個維度會覺知到 "力量的平衡" 與 "合一" 的能量. 而在有些維度當中, --- 他們的涵養高些, --- 因為他們是屬於較高維度頻率的地方 --- 他們有能力使用這些 "聖光能量". --- 因為他們的維度面紗較薄 --- 所以他們發展出了 "智慧與和平的覺知"! --- 但是在地球上, 維度面紗如此厚重, 靈魂們以前都接受不到 "聖光能量",而且一直在消減損失 "聖光"當中, 所以 "輪迴"的模式 就被發展出來在地球上, (註: 以輪迴\更新\循環使用靈魂能量), --- 因為在地球上, 靈魂跳不開被限制的, 3D能量牢獄的存在方式. --- 而在地球這裡 --- 這3D實相充滿著 "不一致" "分裂的"光能量, 零碎的能量片段. --- 所以, 3D靈魂們全都 "被廢了武功" --- 無能力接觸到 "聖光能量" --- 所以也無能力
"進化"(自己的能量\頻率\實相\現實\運氣\維度…等 --- 無法更新創造自己. )!!!
These souls became depleted of Light, and lost the capacity to commune with the Wisdom of the God Source. When the veils opened, the Epiphanies of Light through the prophets & teachers - those were able to access enough light in their soul that they could focus beyond the limitations of the realms and the thickness of the veil - there, from that source, the Holy Divine Spirit would fill. And in this filling of light, filling of the souls, there was a hope for continued existence. Because consciousness must move towards the center, spiralling like a universal pattern, spiraling like nebulae in Creation, and draw from the Source and return into the spiral of the Universal Oneness, to evolve and grow and expand and learn and give, in exchange, Light with each conscious being in its realm. But then it must return, return, return, return to the Source of Infinite Oneness to be made new again by only that which is possible at Source Creation.
這些靈魂隨著 "聖光能量"的消減損失, 身上"聖光能量"越來越少, 終於失去了與 "源頭"智慧溝通的能力. --- 可是當 "面紗"被打開時, 來自先知者與大師們所提供的天賜 "聖光能量"湧入. ─── (有部份地球人), 那些能夠把(思想行為)專注在 "地球的有限實相", 以及 "地球厚重的面紗" 之外的人 --- 他們的靈魂是(少數)能夠吸收"聖光能量"的人, --- 從那裡 (註: 這些光工身上), --- 從這些源頭(池塘) --- "聖光能量"就充滿了進去. --- 而從這些 "聖光" 充滿了這些靈魂之後, --- ("聖光能量")就能夠繼續存在於地球之上了. --- 這是因為(一個人的) "覺知"必須能夠恢復 "焦點", 它會呈 "螺旋上升" 之方式, --- 就像 "宇宙合一"存在的方式一樣, --- 以此方式來進化, 來成長, 來擴張, 來學習, 來給予, 來交換,
--- 來與其他實相當中 "有覺知的存在"互動 --- 交換 "光". --- 可是所有的 "聖光能量"又都必須不斷, 回溯, 回溯, 回溯, 回溯到源頭, 無限的 "合一" 當中 ─── 去恢復與重生 --- 而這 "恢復與重生聖光能量"的事 --- 只有 "源頭造物主" 辦得到.
由 Blogger 於 1/11/2013 06:33:00 上午 張貼在 胡愛晏
- Jan 11 Fri 2013 22:33
[胡愛晏] 【大天使麥克】20121230指導: 創造\造物的面紗如何打開?