

Externalization Of The Krystal Star – 13 Lisa Renee –January 2013
Posted by Veruska Angel on January 13, 2013 at 9:59pm
作者: Lisa Renee
中文翻译: 林琚月20130114

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These structures are called "Minarets" and they had to be stopped from broadcasting reversal frequency for the "net", as well as pumping many genocidal and suicidal mind control programs into the planet. This was an immensely successful project, as it finalized the corrections required that allow for the anchoring of the Krystal frequency lines to be made accessible on the planet.
这些构造叫做 "尖塔们" – 它们是被硬停下广播网络的 "相反频率"的! --- 以及它们传输到地球上的 "集体屠杀"和 "自杀"的 "洗脑程序心理控制程序设计". --- 我们这件工作获得了巨大的成功! --- 因为这工程是 "修复工程"的结束 --- 而让 "水晶液体能量波"可以锚定在地球上并被使用到.

This is a first time event, as this Krystal frequency and its Ascension platform have never been in this density before, as its beginning to seep through the many, multiple field layers now. This is a multidimensional event, impacting parallel realities and future earth timelines. This event necessitates that we will continue to rebuild architecture ongoing from this month, as a part of the full Ascension Timeline available on the earth for the next thousand years. At the end of this root race consciousness cycle, the Guardians had been extracting Melchizedek hosting architecture and other fallen networks in the planetary consciousness grids.
这是一个前所未有的 "大事" --- 因为"水晶液体能量波"与 "扬升平台"从没有在这种密度中出现过. --- 而现在 "水晶液体能量波"的渗透入整个栅栏 --- 已经开始了! --- 这是一个 "多维度事件" --- 影响了我们的平行维度, 也改变了地球未来的时间线! --- 所以从这个月开始 --- 我们得到了需要的 "能量" 来继续建筑我们的(基督意识)大楼 --- 这是 "人类全然扬升时间线工程"的一部份 --- 而未来几千年的人类都会因此而有 '扬升' 机会! --- 在这个新的 "新种族根本觉知能量圈"的尾端 --- "保护天使们"过去一直在抽取 "麦洗基德地球外圈光架构"以及其它坏掉的 '地球觉知栅栏网络'!

These various networks are systematically being recoded to the Avatar of Ascension, or Aurora Host. The Aurora Host and/or Krystal Star are the consciousness root race evolution cycle that we begin this month. The Aurora (luminaries from the next Universe) are the Ascending host consciousness for the new races evolving on planet earth.
这些不同的 "地球栅栏网络"是非常系统化的被加入 "圣人扬升"密码, 又称为 (Aurora Host) "地球外圈神圣保护光". 这个 "地球外圈神圣保护光"(Aurora Host) 或者是叫做 "水晶星球"( Krystal Star) 都是"新种族根本觉知能量圈" (consciousness root race)的 "进化光圈" --- 也是我们这个月可以开始的工作. 这个 (Aurora Host) "地球外圈神圣保护光"(--- 是来自另一个宇宙的光) --- 是我们 "扬升觉知" 的 "主持意识光" --- 是为了在地球上的 '新种族' 的进化而引进来的!

The Failsafe Effort 不会失败的努力
During the last weeks of December and into early January the reclamation of planetary consciousness technology that was usurped and used by negative alien networks was in battle for control. There were millions of Light Beings working this project from the inner and outer dimensional planes. Once the Mother quintessence opened the larger Creatrix field by locking into intersection portals with multiple Universal Core Gateways on December 21st, a huge amount of group consciousness and entity fields enthusiastically rushed into our Universal System.
在十二底与一月初, 被篡夺的, 而且被邪恶外星人所使用的 --- "地球觉知科技"的回收 --- 是经历了一场战役的. 有几百万光体人从地球维度内外在这工程上工作着. 而当20121221日, Mother Sekhmet 利用许多宇宙主要管线, 透过交错的星门, 而打开了更大的造物主的能量场时 --- 一股巨大的 "群体意识体能量场域"热情的冲了进来到我们的宇宙系统中.

Once these gateways opened we had a flood of massively large Light Beings from the next Universes come to help us. This was to answer for the call of support to manifest the real Ascension timeline for planet earth, which allowed for the release of enslavement through the alien technology and their programs of reincarnation. The magnitude and size of this group effort is beyond our comprehension. This is completely new consciousness architecture, consciousness creations, source technologies, blueprint fields, Krystal entities that were ignited by this merging presence with the Aurora Hosting project. This was the Ascension failsafe effort that was immediately implemented when the portal gateways were opened to allow the full access into our Universal System.
一旦这些管道打开了 --- 我们也得到了一整群高级灵从隔壁宇宙过来帮我们. --- 祂们只是响应了宇宙的呼唤 --- 来支持让 "地球扬升"的 "扬升时间线"可以真实显化. --- 这同时也让 "外星科技"可以进来地球, --- 也让 "外星人的轮回方式" 可以进来地球 --- 所以同时也解放了地球被奴役的状况了! --- 这个 "群体合作所完成的工程" 以及其影响 --- 实在巨大到远远超过我们的想象. --- 这是 "全新的觉知建构" --- "全新的觉知创造"--- "许多源头科技的使用"--- "新蓝图场域" --- "许多高灵水晶体存有" 也因为这个 "地球外圈神圣保护光"(Aurora Host) '融合管道工程"之存在而被启动. --- 这就是这个 "不会有失误的扬升计划"能立即被安置的原因 ---- 因为当所有星门管道被打开之后 ---所有
(注: 祂们能量与技术的协助让这 "地球扬升计划" 不会失败! )

Many of you reading this were probably involved as it was the last push to bring the Aurora Host to reconnect thoroughly into the planetary fields. This failsafe effort was sourced in the deepest love and unification between of millions of Light beings collaborating with humanity to change the future timelines to an Ascending planet. It has been truly staggering, humbling and awe inspiring to witness this effort and know that we are cared for and truly loved at levels beyond our imagining.
你们很多在阅读此文的人可能也参与了这个工作. --- 因为那是完成 "地球外圈神圣保护光"(Aurora Host)的最后工作. --- 让这"地球外圈神圣保护光"(Aurora Host)重新与地球的能量场结合. 这个 "不会有失误的扬升计划"能成功是归功于几百万个 "光体人" 与人类的合作 --- 改变了 "地球未来的时间线" --- 而让地球可以扬升! --- 这过程是历经艰辛的, 有时让人很愧疚, 可见又让人敬畏的见识到这个过程的艰辛是历经什么努力才完成的? --- 同时又能知道 --- 我们是如此的被照顾着, 这么真实的被爱着, 在一种我们无法想象的深刻的爱里!

The Four Square House of God
上帝的"四广场市" (the City Four Square)
Some of us were assigned in different places on the earth (remotely) for the anchoring of four huge vertical Sound Wave Pillars. These four pillars also cross diagonally into horizontal bases located in multiple dimensions of time into the parallel earth realities. This is akin to saying that all parallel earth realities are connected for access in any time field through this Guardian built architecture on the planet. In order for the Christ consciousness to live on the earth plane, the house of God (the mathematical architecture which allows the Liquid Light of Krystal Star to exist and live) must be built to contain the Krystal frequency. The "containment" structure itself built in the planetary consciousness field is referred to as the City Four Square. We also must build and rehabilitate the City Four Square in our own personal auric bodies to contain and hold the Krystal light frequency.
我们有一些人是被安排在地球的不同地方工作(相距遥远) --- 而做锚定 "巨大的水平能量波柱"的工作. 这些四根柱同时也直角交叉水平基地 --- 站立在多维度空间里 --- 而进入地球的平行维度里. ---所以也可以说 --- 在地球的平行维度里可以在任何时候互相沟通交流 --- 透过这个 '保护天使们'在地球上所建的 "建筑". 而为了让 "基督意识觉知"住在地球上, 有一间 "上帝之屋" 必须被建起来来储存 "水晶波频率能量"! --- "上帝之屋"--- 是一个 "数码构造" --- 能够允许"水晶星球"( Krystal Star)的"水晶波频率能量"存活在那里! 而这个建在 "宇宙觉知能量场域"的 "储备槽" --- 我们称之为 --- "四广场市" (the City Four Square)! --- 我们同时也必须建造并 "复健"一个"四广场市" (the City Four
Square)在我们自己的身体外光体(our own personal auric bodies)来储存, 保持这个"水晶波频率能量"(Krystal light frequency).

The City Four Square represents the four planes of matter in the four quadrants of this Universe. This also represents the four elemental bases of our raw material making up the planes of matter. (Air, Fire, Water, Earth) These four elementals make up the main chemical constituents of our DNA code and are being re-encrypted by the Aurora's through the "Krystal River" current. The chemical catalyst of this elemental re-encryption is Mother's Quintessence, which is a substance that just arrived last month at the Universal Gateway opening.
"四广场市" (the City Four Square) 代表了这个宇宙的四分仪(四象)
--- 代表了地球的四个物质层! --- 它同时也代表了 "地\水\火\风" 这四大原始材料的物质形成元素. --- 这四个元素又是制造我们DNA密码的化学成份 --- 而且透过 "水晶能量河" (Krystal River) 在我们自己的身体外光体(our own personal auric bodies)中重新镶入了密码. 而这 "元素的重新镶嵌的催化剂" --- 是 "Mother Sekhmet 的精华" --- 这是上个月, 在宇宙星门管道打开之后才到达的宝贝!
This new life foundation is necessary in order to focus the Divine Wholeness of God consciousness in the newly given dispensation of the anchored Ascension timeline. The City Foursquare is the "Golden City" architecture that returns God's Laws and life force (Christ) back to this planet.
这个 "新生命地基" 是需要的! --- 如此才能专注在 "上帝的神圣的完整觉知意识"上 --- 在这个新赠予的 --- "锚定的扬升时间线"上! --- 这"四广场市" (the City Four Square)就是一个 "黄金都市"的建筑 --- 在这里上帝的法律和生命力(基督意识)回到了地球上.

Our Guardian contingent was working primarily in the Middle East, Jerusalem, Egypt and the parallel networks in Peru with this architecture. (This was a final work in anchoring what was discussed in September 2010 newsletter about the Cosmic Cube of God's 144,000) In these demographic areas on the earth plane there are spinning vortexes that allow intersections between the parallel earth timelines.
我们 "保护天使分支团队"在建造这工程时 --- 主要有在中东工作的, 耶路撒冷, 埃及 和其它平行的秘鲁网络. (---因为这是最后锚定工作了! ---- 我们在2010年九月的报告中有讨论了这上帝的宇宙立方体的144,000) --- 在这个地区里, 在地球层面上, 那里有旋转的 涡轮 --- 这是平行地球时间线的联接路口.

Reversed alien technology hijack of these spinning vortexes which are heart circuitry centers directing energy in the grid system is called a "black heart" system. (a.k.a. anubian black heart) A black heart system is an inorganic and artificial "heart-brain" that circulates and directs planetary life force and frequency current into distorted holograms, negative forms, phantom or dead spaces (underworlds), and off planet to Orion for their usage. They are also used to maintain the compression needed for the magnetic imprints of alien implants and their machinery to operate in the planet. These are frequency distortions that have been designed to reverse and siphon life force in a variety of unhealthy ways. Our Earth Star family will begin to be involved in healing the field damage these systems have left behind.
"邪恶外星科技"挟持了这些旋转的涡轮 --- 而这些涡轮是 "心脏的线路中心" --- 地球栅栏网络的能量是由此来指挥能量的流动的 --- 所以称为 "黑心系统" --- (又称为anubian黑心.) 一个"黑心系统"是一个 "非自然的" "人造的" "心\智\脑" "heart-brain"结构 --- 它把地球生命能量与频率循环波导入一种 "分裂而紊乱的全息影像"中 --- 进入一种 "负面形式"--- 进入一种幻影与死亡空间(地狱), 而且还通到猎户座星球去 --- 给他们使用. --- 他们同时还习惯保持压缩他们的磁性印记入它们的 "置入物" 当中, 以及在它们放在地球上的机器上. --- 这些都是为了搞乱地球频率 --- 特别设计来反转, 以及用很多不健康的方法来吸取生命能量. --- 我们在地球上的星际家庭会开始参与 它们所破坏的"能量场"系统的 治疗工作.
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