Skynet is implemented. And we're all fine! Haha, what a silly story....Wait. What's a site that's gotten really popular super fast...with NO APPARENT EXPLANATION?!?! OH MY GOD, PINTEREST IS SKYNET!!
There are such huge storms in Tennessee that the government postpones the tax deadline for victims of the tornadoes, flooding and high winds in the state. So if you're chronically late with your taxes, better buy a house in Tennessee real quick. It might not stay standing for long, but at least your taxes will be in on time!
Just one post last year? Eh, no big deal. It was probably flu season anyway. But this year is different. Choke down some Airborne and get out there! The world is your oyster, damnit. The town is your oyster, anyway. So bundle up and hit the ground running. Next year, make sure Future 康 is impressed as hell when reads about today.
Abe & team timehop
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